August 22 7 PM-8:30 PM at Temple Bet Shalom,
205 E Barcelona St.  Santa Fe.   
Donation $20 to TBS.  Open to everyone.   
September 23, 2012  at Hamakom
1601 S. St. Francis and W. San Mateo at St. Bede’s Church, Santa Fe, NM, 
Donation to Hamakom
The Days of Awe, which span from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, are the holiest days in our Jewish year.  This is a time for deep reflexion, as we must forgive and accept forgiveness in performing the sacred work of T’shuvah.  Using the healing power of prayer, meditation, and journaling – Dr. Joalie Davie will guide you to your compassionate self and towards a graceful New Year.  You are invited to come to both workshops and get a head start on Teshuvah.