I wrote Healing The Power in You; Tapping into Courage, Hope, and Resilience because this information has changed my life, and in fact has saved my life. I share these cases with you because I hope it can help you too or help someone you love. I share with you excerpts from the second chapter; the story of a Marine presenting to an Emergency room with abdominal pain and vomiting. On the next blog, I will include an expert from a professional young man who is a serious marathon runner who came to my office because of persistent tendonitis. A Case of Abdominal Pain We look for medicine to be an orderly field of knowledge and procedure. But it is not. . . . There is science in what we do, yes, but also habit, intuition, and sometimes plain old guessing. – Atul Gawande, MD In the mid 1980s, before I began studying alternative methods, I worked as an emergency physician in the Boston area. In the ER, there was only one physician in charge at a time. When my shift started at 3:00 p.m., I assumed responsibility for the patients, taking over from the physician who…
Read MoreAs an adoptee, it seems I’m always trying to improve myself. Longtime fitness buff- skier, hiker, former marathon runner, I thought I was doing fine in the food department. Maybe not everything right, but OK. When I took a weekend course in Culinary Healing from Dr. Joalie Davie, I learned how to do much better. Eating ones way to better health involved much more than I’d imagined. Shopping wisely, learning about the differences in nutritional value of foods that looked but aren’t alike and using spices and herbs to heal…these were just a few bonuses of the culinary weekend. READ MORE ON THE ELAINE PINKERTON BLOG, THE GOODBYE BABY
Read MoreWhen Santa Feans mention enrolling in a tapping class, they may not be talking about dance lessons. Instead, the class probably involves EFT — or emotional freedom technique, informally called tapping. EFT is among several alternative medical treatments offered by Dr. Joalie Davie. Davie, a former emergency physician, is a Santa Fe practitioner who supplements her Western medical training with alternative therapies. “If you had told me 20 years ago that I’d be practicing alternative medicine — from ancient Eastern techniques to innovative, new ones, I would have said, ‘Absolutely not. This is quackery.’ But I have been convinced differently — reading many scientific studies and witnessing the success of alternative medicine — for myself and my patients,” she said. After more than three decades practicing conventional Western medicine and caring for more than 30,000 patients, Davie continued her quest to find the best possible ways to help her patients….Continue reading
Read MoreI am a Boston, Massachusetts, educated and trained physician. Today, I devote my practice to mind-body medicine—at Health from Within, a practice I founded in Santa Fe New Mexico five years ago. If you had told me twenty years ago that I would be practicing alternative medicine, I would have thought that was the most preposterous idea and replied that I believed any alternative therapy was quackery. My years-long transformation began in 1996 with a mind-bending reaction to a simple comment made by Dr. Harley Haynes, who at the time was Chief of Dermatology at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital. Harley’s comment was a response to a question on how he treated recalcitrant warts. He said that if the condition worsened despite his best efforts over six or more months, he sent patients to “the psychologist down the street, and they were better in three months.” He then mentioned several studies published in the 70s by Hackett and others where patients who had failed medical therapy for years were cured of their warts within three months of seeing a psychologist. How could that be? Here it was—scientific proof that unconventional therapy worked better than conventional medicine alone! Yet it was never…
Read MoreBy Joalie Davie, M.D., Harvard University Class of 1974 WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE In the forty years since we graduated from Harvard, I suspect all of us have undergone many changes—as have our fields and professions. Scientific and technological advances have changed our lives. But the traditional practice of medicine, as I first learned it at Harvard and The University of Massachusetts Medical School, has remained almost constant. We have new tools, but the basic philosophy and treatment regimens are the same as they have been for decades. I and my fellow students were taught to treat diseases and their symptoms at the physical level. We excelled at diagnosis and followed prescribed treatments aimed at eliminating the physical manifestations of the problems with drugs, surgery or other invasive procedures. But as the water flowed under the bridge, I failed to recognize that in many cases, traditional medicine had missed the boat. As an emergency physician, I treated patients, often saving their lives, only to see them return with progression of their disease a few months or years later. Yes, they received expert medical treatment for their diagnoses, but the root of their problems remained. I was treating, not healing. So…
Read MoreVitality Faire: Half-day Workshop devoted to Working Women focus on finance, wellness, and nutrition.
Read MoreTHE HEALING POWER OF FORGIVENESS August 22 7 PM-8:30 PM at Temple Bet Shalom, 205 E Barcelona St. Santa Fe. Donation $20 to TBS. Open to everyone. September 23, 2012 at Hamakom 1601 S. St. Francis and W. San Mateo at St. Bede’s Church, Santa Fe, NM, Donation to Hamakom The Days of Awe, which span from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, are the holiest days in our Jewish year. This is a time for deep reflexion, as we must forgive and accept forgiveness in performing the sacred work of T’shuvah. Using the healing power of prayer, meditation, and journaling – Dr. Joalie Davie will guide you to your compassionate self and towards a graceful New Year. You are invited to come to both workshops and get a head start on Teshuvah.
Read MoreFORGIVENESS Using a powerful Energy Psychology Modality;Tapas Acupressure Technique with Joalie Davie, MD Forgiving and accepting forgiveness are instrumental in moving on and finding peace. Being angry at someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick. A Chinese proverb. In this workshop, you will learn how to access that place of forgiveness, grace and peace, and let go of the guilt, hurt or resentment while keeping you safe with the Tapas Acupressure Technique. Holding a grudge towards others for past hurts is like carrying a sac of old rocks. They weight on you and it becomes a painful and heavy burden that prevents you from moving forward with ease. Anonymous Come and experience how easy it can be to forgive and feel lighter and freer. Joalie Davie, MD has been a physician for 3 decades and has cared for over 25,000 patients. She served on the clinical faculty of Harvard Medical School and taught and supervised other physicians and students. Dr. Davie specializes in disease prevention and in helping her clients with problems that do not improve with conventional medical therapies. Dr. Davie integrates some of the most powerful healing techniques in modern science and…
Read MoreLove Your Body- It’s about nurturing you from the inside. Thursdays mornings or evenings visit www.healthfromwithin.org/events for details. Tired of short term loss and guilt? Frustrated with will-power, diet, exercise and gaining it all back, and more? It’s not about the diet; it’s about nurturing yourself from the inside. This program offers guilt free, long term results, we use cutting edge techniques, including Focusing, TAT, hypnosis and EFT. These practices empower you to clear negative mental programs, freeing you from addictions to the foods that your body does not need, resulting in benefits that will last your whole life. So if you are ready to eliminate one or more food addictions, feel empowered and more relaxed and improve your relationship with food, register today for this unique opportunity. Call 505-819-9717 TESTIMONIALS from past participants: “It was a great class. In just one session I was able to stop my cravings and was more aware of what I was eating.” “Very helpful class.” “It was a positive experience.”
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Diet could affect coronavirus risk according to MGH study
Massachusetts General Hospital study links healthy plant-based foods with lower risks of getting of COVID-19 and of having severe disease after infection.Honey Outperforms Usual Care for Upper Respiratory Tract Infections
By Amy Orciari Herman Edited by David G. Fairchild, MD, MPH, and Lorenzo Di Francesco, MD, FACP, FHM Honey is better than many common remedies forHAN Archive - 00434 | Health Alert Network (HAN)
Health Alert Network (HAN). Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).COVID-19: Vaccine Trial / Hydroxychloroquine
By Kelly YoungEdited by Jaye Elizabeth Hefner, MDHave a look at some of the latest developments on novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19):Vaccine trial: